Hey! 👋

  • I’m Aryaman, a software developer based in Waterloo! 🇨🇦 I recently graduated from the University of Waterloo’s Computer Engineering program. 🎓
  • In the past, I’ve worked at Tesla as a Software Engineering Intern in the Firmware Build & Infra team, where I worked on large-scale infrastructure projects using Typescript, Python and Ruby. I’ve also worked at Relay Platform, Versett, Telus and PointClickCare, where I built and maintained large scale applications with React, Ruby on Rails, Java and more. I enjoy building accessible, reliable and thoughtfully-designed applications that focus on the end-user above all.
  • You might have met me volunteering with Midnight Sun, Waterloo ECE Society, Waterloo Engineering Competition or HackTheNorth.
  • Feel free to reach out to me if you want to talk, work together or just vent about CSS.

J1 International Student Guide

In many ways, getting the visa for my US internship was harder than getting the internship itself - after all, there is no Leetcode to help you get through USCIS bureaucracy. Though there is some information online, it can feel scattered and hard to find. This is particularly true for non-Canadian citizens since we have an additional interview at the US Consulate. That’s where this guide (hopefully) comes in. Before I begin, here are some excellent guides made by other UW students you may want to check out as well:...

November 12, 2023

HackThe6ix 2022 🥇

Over the last weekend, I attended HackThe6ix 22’ . It was a hybrid event, mostly held online with a couple of events happening at the Wealthsimple Offices in Toronto. I was able to snag a ticket to the in-person events, which unfortunately also meant traveling 3 hours on the GO Bus from Waterloo to Toronto 😔. Luckily, the Wealthsimple Office was a great place to meet my team, attend workshops and get some free food!...

August 23, 2022

_Why Day, and a really old MS-DOS project

Happy _why day! I learned about Why the Lucky Stiff when I was looking for resources to learn Ruby for my upcoming internship. Though I don’t really understand much of what made _why popular, I do understand his love for writing code for the sake of it - something I don’t feel like I’ve been doing enough of. So, I thought today might be the day I dust off a really old DOS project I worked on way back in 2018, and see if I can still run it....

August 19, 2022

React Zendesk, and components that lie

Zendesk is a very popular cloud-based customer service platform that lets you implement chatbots and CRM systems easily - but you probably recognize them from these buttons at the bottom-right of many websites: If you’ve ever wanted to implement this on a React app, you’ve probably encountered React Zendesk, which attempts to convert Zendesk’s widget into a React Component. It has over 10k weekly downloads and a bunch of references online, but it is far from official....

January 7, 2022

Hello World

I’ve been meaning to start a technical-but-not-really blog for a while, partially to increase my ✨ web presence ✨, but mostly to create a space for me to talk about things I’m thinking about. If not for others to read, but for me to look back on. Behind this post was hours of deciding and researching between Jekyll, Gatsby, and Hugo. Jekyll is old and mature and uses Ruby, which is a language I’m trying to learn as part of my co-op....

January 1, 2022

My UWaterloo Story (Year 1)

This is meant to be a summary of my time at the University of Waterloo. I was admitted to the Computer Engineering program in Fall 2019, and my (expected) graduation year is 2024. I was inspired to write this after reading Jonathan Tsang’s story, and I’ll be adding to it as time goes on. (This post was written way before I created this blog, but I am only getting around to editing and posting it now....

March 8, 2021